BADCC offers its members a wide range of opportunities to go paddling. This page introduces those and provides links to more detailed information on this website.
Placid Water Touring
During the summer we meet each Wednesday evening at either the Basingstoke Canal at Odiham or on the Kennet and Avon at Newbury. Day trips to the River Thames and other local rivers are arranged throughout the year. We have a summer family paddling weekend on the River Wye each year.
White Water
The UK white water season is the winter. The Club arranges weekend trips to the white water rivers of the South West (Dart, Barle & Exe), South Wales (Usk & Wye) and North Wales Alternates years a we arrange a trip to the Alps in the summer for sunny white water.
Sea Kayaking
Sea kayaking is a predominantly summer activity with Tuesday evening coastal pladdles on Southampton Water and the Solent from May until August. We arrange day trips to the Dorset Coast and Isle of Wight and occasional weekends to Anglesey and Pembrokeshire. Alternate years we arrange a camping expedition to the West Coast of Scotland.
Watch this space ...
Watch this space ...
The Club runs a wide variety of paddling and safety courses.